My generation is in a baby boom. I have so many friends who are planning on or have just had kids, it's amazing! Congrats to them all!
Mr. Mike and I were asked to be godparents for one such amazing family this spring. I've been meaning to post on that for awhile now.
We are so thankful to them for their friendship and wonderful support for us over the years. I don't know what I'd do without you Halls!
For almost the entire time I've known B she's been preggers. Two wonderful boys and one beautiful girl... it's seems like a lifetime ago when we moved up here to the cities and she carted us around trying to find the 'perfect' house. Thanks for all your patience!!! I don't know how you stand us sometimes!
Now the hubbies play regular golf, the girls have nights out, and we've gotten to experience a multitude of first childhood memories with their family. I can't wait till birthday #4 when I'll be attempting to make a Thomas the Train cake.... thanks again for your faith and support B!

These little guys were watercolor drawings I put together for no particular reason, I just thought the kiddos might like them since they love that zoo so much. Enoy!
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