The incredible edible egg. The question of which came first. The answer to many a riddle. Growing up I never really enjoyed eggs, I still turn down a plain scrambled egg even though I very much enjoy making them.
Quiches on the other hand are a whole different beast. They will sustain veggies, meats, and cheeses quite well. It’s a perfect ‘garbage’ meal, something our house always turns to in order to use up the weekly grocery supply.
The dish this recipe follows is a warming savory meal, baked with Louie's Meats sausage and local University of Minnesota blue cheese. Any combination you can think of would create a wonderful meal or side dish.
I always make a fresh crust from my Grandmother's recipe. The crust works well on savory dishes as well as desserts. By blind baking the crust you can get a stiff, partly cooked shell that will stand up to the expansion of the eggs and blending of ingredients.
Onion Sausage Quchie
2 links Chirizo Sausage (about 2 cups)
1 small Onion
1 cup Red and/or Green Peppers
1 clove garlic, minced
2 tbsp chopped Chives
1 tbsp fresh Rosemary
2-3 washed, peeled Yukon Potatoes
3 eggs, beaten
2 tbsp milk or cream
1/4 cup Blue Cheese, crumbled
salt and pepper to taste
In a sauce pan heat water with a little salt and cook potatoes till done. Remove from heat, drain, and let cool. Once cooled slice in to thin peices.
In a medium saute pan heat cut sausage till done, remove into a large bowl. In the same pan saute sliced onions, peppers, garlic, and chives until done. Add to sausage. Chop herbs and add to mixture.
In a separate bowl beat eggs with milk, salt, and pepper till frothy.
Pre-baked crust using a fresh crust (see below) or store bought. Layer potatoes on bottom of crust. Top with sausage mixture, crumbled cheese, and then eggs.
Bake in a preheated oven at 375 degrees until slightly browned and firm, about 30 minutes. Remove and let cool slightly.
Grandma O's All-purpose Crust
1/4 cup Lard
1 1/2 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt
cold water
Mix first 3 ingredients together well. Add water until flaky. Knead with a little more flour until the consistency of pie dough. Can let cool. Use for pies or pre-bake with pie weights for a crispier crust.
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